Archive- VOL. 3, NO. 2

VOL. 3, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER, 2017 – ISSN: 2251-015X


The Impact of Financial Deepening on the contribution of Non-Oil Sectors to Economic Growth in Nigeria: The case of Wholesale-Retail, Service-Producing and Building-Construction Sectors. Eugene Iheanacho, (PhD). 1-15

Credit Disbursement Response to Deposit Structure: Issues And Empirical Evidence From Nigerian Banks. Torbira, Lezaasi Lenee & Dappa Idanyingi Princewill. 16-38

Forced Versus Voluntary Combinations and the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria. Mojekwu Ogechukwu Rita & Nwinee Barisua Fortune. 39-57

Micro Finance Banks and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. Nwobike, Goodluck A. D. 58-67

Unclaimed Dividend: Matters Arising and Implication on the Economic Growth of Nigeria. Ezeudu, Ikenna Jude & Orikara Chioma. 68-74

Federally Collected Tax Revenue and Economic Growth of Nigeria: A Time Series Analysis. Charles, Udeme Joe, Michael Chidiebere Ekwe & Joseph U. B. Azubike. 75-82

Empirical Investigation of Financial Intermediation and Communication Sector Growth in Nigeria, 1990-2016 Andabai, Priye Werigbelegha & Bina Percy Avery. 83-89

Impact of fiscal policy measures on Economic Growth: A Quantitative Examination of Long-Run Stability (1981-2015). Agugua, Ernest Azubuike & Iheuwumere, Kelechi Jerry. 90-103

An Overview of Forensic Accounting in Nigeria. Ndukwe O. Dibia. 104-109

Impact of Commercial Bank Loans on Investment Financing in Nigeria. Ezeudu, Ikenna Jude & Nwaocha Ernest Ifeanyichukwu. 110-117